Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Random Thoughts

Sports and politics -- can't we all just get along?

1.  Enough already with the "greatest rivalry in sports" nonsense.  Seriously, no one outside of Boston and New York cares who wins a lousy game between the Red Sox and Yanks.  No one.  The Sux trail the Spanks by 7 ½ games for first place.  To tell you the truth, I wish it were 70 ½.  I am so sick and tired of hearing about "The Curse" and about how bad the Sox fans have it.  (And, by the way, I refuse to call them by their preferred moniker as it's just plain dumb.)  We Phillies fans support the losingest team in North American professional sports history.  Think about that for a second.  There are no teams -- in any sport -- that have lost as many games as the Phillies.  And yet Sox fans think they have it bad.

2.  Last month the New York Rangers declined to pick up their option on Eric Lindros' contract, making him an unrestricted free agent.  I have been on the fence about Eric since he left Philadelphia, citing reasons on both sides for the acrimonious -- to put it mildly -- relationship he had with management.  However, today he takes the cake.  In an interview yesterday, he had the temerity to say "I'm at the point right now where I want to win a Cup."  Excuse me?  What were you trying to do during your 8 seasons here in Philadelphia, where you actually made it to the Finals?

3.  Will the Bush supporters out there now stop getting on Kerry for his "flip-flopping?"  Mr. Bush is now saying that "[t]he 9/11 Commission's recommendations will help guide our efforts as we work to protect the homeland."  Eh, what?  Bush did not even want a commission investigating the September 11, 2001 attacks.  Now he's agreeing with some of their assessments and working to enact some of their suggestions?  Flip-flop, indeed.

Comments on "Random Thoughts"


Blogger Buckaroo Banzai said ... (3:23 PM) : 

1. I kinda like the Yankees, and I couldn't care less about the "Sux" series'. I am more interested when they play the Muts. Sux fans are, like most Boston fans, ignorant and greedy. They bitch about their baseball team, while they are winning Super Bowl after Super Bowl. Gimme a break!

2. I always liked Lindros, but that comment was asinine. With my luck, he'll go to a team that I root for, like the Penguins.

3. I am a Bush supporter, but I never bashed Kerry about flip-flopping. I think every politician flip-flops, especially during an election year. Bush is embracing the 911 report because he wants to get elected. Plain and simple. It's the same reason why he lets illegal aliens flood into the country without lifting a finger (which really burns me) - he wants the Latino vote. He reminds me of a great quote in "The Hunt for Red October:"

"I'm a politician, which means that I'm a cheat and a liar, and when I'm not kissing babies, I'm stealing their lollipops." Life imitates art.


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