Monday, August 30, 2004

Third and One

It has been an unbelievable summer. This past Saturday I was at my third wedding since April, and I still have one more to go. I have a had a great time at all three, though I think I may have enjoyed this one a little bit less than the other two since I was not in this one. I was with my girlfriend’s family, so that was good, and there was an open bar with plenty of Corona, so that was great. The strangest part of the night, however, was during the introductions. The bridal party was introduced to “Beautiful People” by Marilyn Manson and the bride and groom were introduced to “Bulls On Parade” by Rage Against the Machine. Both are good songs, just not exactly songs one would expect at a wedding reception.

So I now have one wedding left and yes, I am in this one, too. No word yet on the introduction music.

Comments on "Third and One"


Blogger Buckaroo Banzai said ... (8:30 AM) : 

Now, if you would only walk down the aisle . . .


Blogger Becky said ... (9:11 AM) : 

At least you started the string of weddings out with Yuengling and being introduced to Gonna Fly Now (Rocky Theme Song) with your lovely lady friend on your arm. I'm betting we will be called out with some Kiss at the next soirée.

P.S. I will avoid the urge to comment on Shawn's message.


Blogger Matt said ... (10:48 AM) : 

Thank you, thank you, one and all.

Yes, there was Lager and I did have a couple of those before switching over to Corona.

And I'd say it's even money at this point that there is Kiss during the next set of introductions.


Blogger The Art of Rory said ... (1:48 PM) : 

What is this "Lager" I hear so much about?


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:25 PM) : 

Consider it practice for when I get married. There's sure to be some choice stoner rock and punk. -Corinne


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