Friday, August 27, 2004

Show Me The Money!!

Lest anyone forget that there are other issues in this presidential election besides each candidate’s service record -- or lack thereof -- comes news from the Census Bureau stating that, for the third straight year, there was an increase in the number of Americans officially classified as living in poverty.

This number, 35.8 million, equates to 12.5 percent of the population living in poverty. Even more alarming than this, though, is the number of children living in poverty. That number, 12.9 million, equates to a staggering 17.6 percent of the child population in America.

So, to sum up, George W. Bush, who has bankrupted every business he’s ever run, has instituted economic policies that are responsible for three straight years of increased poverty in this country. Add this to his blank service record, his religious fanaticism, and his completely reckless attitude towards the environment and it makes one wonder how anyone would vote for this man for town council, let alone president.

Comments on "Show Me The Money!!"


Blogger Buckaroo Banzai said ... (1:29 AM) : 

How come Democrats never gave a rat's ass that their hero, Bill Clinton, never served? Hmm. Say what you want about the economy (I know, it's bad. Thankfully, I have job security with all the drug dealers, child killers, and stick up men.), if people think that 9/11 had nothing to do with this, they are dead wrong. After the WTC, the markets more or less crashed, the airline business went belly up, and the average Joe was left holding the bag. Could Bush have done better? Sure. But to leave him solely responsible for the downward spiral after some Muslims decided to kill 3,000 people is ridiculous.


Blogger Buckaroo Banzai said ... (1:30 AM) : 

On the brighter side, your quote is fabulous!

"Mr. Joshua, your left arm, please."


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:08 AM) : 

Clinton at least had the decency not to attack Bush Senior's war record. George W. Bush has no problem attacking his opponent's record despite his less than stellar service. Eventually, the September 11 window of blame is going to run out for all of Bush's problems. How many people have to fall into poverty before it falls on George Bush and not September 11.



Blogger Matt said ... (10:39 AM) : 

I agree with Vinnie (and if you think that's easy to say, think again!). Bush the Second has been milking 9/11 for all it's worth. How about we hold him accountable for his actions in office? The poverty level has increased three straight years, he supports a constitiutional amendments declaring that gays are second-class citizens, he has rolled back nearly every environmental safeguard that has been enacted in the last 10 years . . . need I go on?


Blogger Buckaroo Banzai said ... (7:52 AM) : 

Unlike Clinton, Bush II actually served in some capacity(albeit with the National Guard). This conversation wouldn't even be an issue if Kerry didn't make it the focus of his entire campaign. According to him, Kerry was born, went to Vietnam, then chose to run for President. Why doesn't focus upon his record as a U.S. Senator? Because he has missed more votes than he cares to admit. And to say that Bush II is leaning to heavily on 9/11 is an inane comment. IT WAS THE LARGEST ATTACK UPON OUR COUNTRY . . . EVER!!! Should he just ignore it?


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:35 AM) : 

Wait a minute, who is focusing on the war? If Kerry doesn't point out that he's a veteran the Republicans call him a wussy liberal. If he points it out they attack his record and basically call him a lying coward. All I'm asking is when does the September 11 window of blame close, year 6,7 or 8 of Bush's presidency?



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