Thursday, March 23, 2006

Broadcast schedule set

Jason at Beer Leaguer is reporting that the Phils have settled on their broadcast schedule for the season. The good news -- Chris Wheeler won't be doing all nine innings. The bad news -- he's still slated to do six.

I couldn't agree more with Jason's call for sweeping changes in the Phils' broadcasts. He uses the word "stale" to describe them, and that's dead-on. The problem is that it's the entire organization that's grown stale, from ownership on down. A breath of fresh air is clearly -- dare I say desperately -- needed to bring this team back from the brink of obscurity.

Quick side note: Please stop by Jason's site at He's really been at the top of his game lately following the Phillies in spring training -- specifically commenting on the battles for the last bullpen and bench spots. Considering how much I want to focus on the NHL at this time of year, I can't help but keep going back to his site for Phils updates.

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