Monday, October 23, 2006

Day 2, P.C. (Post Clarke)

One of my friends said the first person he thought of when he heard the news was me. Another said that he thought I would've been popping champagne bottles yesterday morning. My own brother had this comment:
"More details to follow"? You gotta be kiddin' me. The entire reason this blog was created was so one day you could dissect the corpse of Bob(by) Clarke, General Manager. No time? Not in the mood? I don't care. The great reckoning is upon you.

Sorry to disappoint, but I still have nothing to say. Actually, that's not true. I have a lot to say -- almost too much. I'm still trying to gather my thoughts into something resembling a coherent post. Rest assured that I will have a post (-mortem?) up sometime today.

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