Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Polanco traded . . . finally

Phillies GM Ed Wade -- ever the epitome of Tom Hagen -- is back at it.

His 30-something reliever of choice this time around is one Ugueth Urbina. Wade was also able to snag utility infielder Ramon Martinez in the deal. (Quick aside: Martinez, though raised in Puerto Rico, was born right here in Philadelphia.) Kudos to Wade for managing to not include any Phillies' prospects -- what few are left -- in the trade.

Around the horn, Balls, Sticks, & Stuff is pleased with the deal, while the Philling Station weighs the acquisition of Urbina and Martinez against the loss of Polanco.

I understand that with the way the bullpen has been struggling recently there's need for another capable arm. It just seems to me that with the numbers Polanco has put up this year -- .316 avg, .376 OBP, .793 OPS -- he was/is more valuable than Urbina.

Time will tell, I suppose. Boy, do I hope Urbina proves me wrong.

Comments on "Polanco traded . . . finally"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:41 PM) : 

Nice to have you back, boyo.

And I'm good with the trade -- seems to make a lot of sense to me.


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