Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Enough already

Terry Frei, writing on, likens the lack of negotiations in the NHL labor dispute to torture, looks for some closure on the season, and provides a blueprint for what should be done.

If an agreement were reached by February 8, a 24- or 28-game regular season would have been not an abomination, but a potentially thrilling rejuvenation, and it wouldn't have required shoving the postseason back much -- if at all. Negotiations should have been ongoing, passionate and constructive, and one doesn't even need to "pick" a side to subscribe to that view.

But, my God, dragging this on any longer would be torture.

For those of us paying attention, at least.

It'll be like Gary Bettman running his fingernails down the blackboard while Bob Goodenow reads in a monotone from the Revised Statutes and Yanni performs his greatest hits over in the corner.

For as long as this continues.

Instead of letting that happen, whether for two more days or two more weeks, the NHL should shut it down. Announce the season is over. Don't pretend to have any hope. And do whatever is possible to lay the groundwork for getting this settled in time for training camps to open on schedule next September, with a new agreement in place and on-ice issues addressed as well.

I can't say I disagree with the torture analogy, though I do disagree with his argument about waiting until next year to play. I want hockey now, and would settle for a 2 game season if it were feasible.

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