Thursday, August 03, 2006

"Wait a minute, why am I Mr. Pink?"

There's been some funny stuff going around the hockey blogosphere recently, after news broke that Reebok would begin manufacturing pink jerseys for all 30 NHL teams.

First up was James Mirtle, who posted about the story the day the news broke. He seems, nonplussed, shall we say? Next up was Off Wing Opinion, who proclaimed "[t]he hockey gods will not be offended. Wear your pink jersey proudly." Eric followed that up with some more reaction to the idea today (along with a reader's version of what the pink Buffaslug jersey would look like). Finally, DCSportsChick is decidedly against the very idea:
Polyester? A screen print? So not only will the jerseys be friggin' PINK, but they're hella-lame too. Not even good quality. Well, what do you expect from Reebok; they signed Sidney Crosby.

As for me, I don't see what the big deal is. Maybe it's because I'm a Flyers fan. My team did try long pants for a season, so how can pink jerseys look any worse?

Comments on ""Wait a minute, why am I Mr. Pink?""


Blogger DCSportsChick said ... (9:30 PM) : 

Bwah! Long pants!

I just don't see the type of women that tend to wear hockey jerseys wearing pink ones. But who knows; anything to get fans, I guess.


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