Friday, February 13, 2004

Some good news from Philadelphia

Following Shallow Center’s airborne appraisal of Citizens Bank Park, comes this from a friend who works for the Phillies:

Yesterday I went out in the ballpark with my boss to check out some spots. The place is looking GREAT!!

. . . We went down to the Service Level eventually and saw the Phil's locker room, weight room and that whole area. Then we bumped into the head groundskeeper out by the field door in right field. He was talking to us about the field and how it's coming along real nice . . . and then he turns to us and says "have you guys been out there yet?". We said "the field? No" so he's like "well c'mon!" So we walked out onto the warning track (crushed lava rocks) and walked from right field around to center and into the pens. They were installing the out of town scoreboard on the RF wall... it looks awesome!!! We weren't able to walk across the grass but I felt it with one foot and it was like stepping on a nice big pillow!!!

We went back inside after a while and toured the entire Service Level with him and then came back to the field on the third base side to see the set up with the seats and dugout. Then we walked back around home and to the RF corner again. Man, it’s looking great!!

6 days until Spring Training and about two months until Opening Day. With this beautiful stadium on the way, I don’t mind the wait.

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